There should be consequences for former intelligence officials who called the Hunter Biden story Russian disinformation, Federalist publisher Ben Domenech said on Monday.

“There should absolutely be consequences and the corporate media, generally, will not allow for there to be consequences for these intel officials — people who previously led the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, the CIA who all signed on to this ridiculous letter claiming that this was Russian misinformation without a scintilla of evidence,” Domenech told “Fox & Friends.”

Media pundits appearing as “experts” on Hunter Biden’s business dealings called the matter “Russian misinformation and disinformation” and “implied it was traitorous” to share such material to the public. News broke last week that Biden’s tax affairs had been under federal investigation since 2018.

“They were all lying to you, and that is something that people should be aware of and shouldn’t be allowed to be even a part of this,” Domenech said.


The liberal mainstream media largely ignored the ongoing Hunter Biden scandal until after his father won the presidential election, and media watchdogs feel it was a strategic move to help Joe Biden defeat President Trump.

“The news media helped silence a story and alter the results of an election. They are probably laughing in newsrooms all around the country,” Media Research Center vice president Dan Gainor told Fox News.

In the final weeks of the campaign, there was an unprecedented media blackout of the explosive reporting from the New York Post on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop regarding his overseas business dealings. Twitter and Facebook limited accounts from sharing the story in October and suspended the Post’s account but then reinstated it after a public outcry.

It is not clear whether the ongoing taxes probe is in any way connected to the laptop’s contents.

Domenech said he was “disgusted” by the media’s willingness to repeatedly serve as a megaphone for intelligent experts who had proven to be dishonest.

“The next time they come to you with some kind of claim just as they did on Russian collusion, just as they did this time around, you should not believe them, you should believe that they are lying because they have done it so consistently,” Domenech said.

Fox News’ Brian Flood contributed to this report.