Tuesday, April 27, 2021

California tops 3 million Covid-19 cases

California tops 3 million Covid-19 cases

California has become the first state in the nation to record more than 3 million Covid-19 cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and the Covid Tracking Project.

The number of cases there has tripled in just the past two months.
Current data shows 3,005,830 cases and 33,623 deaths resulting from the virus that has plagued the nation and debilitated the economy.
More than 1 million of those cases are in Los Angeles County, where about 1 in 10 people have been confirmed to have contracted the virus.
Hospitals throughout the state remain overwhelmed with patients seeking treatment. Covid-19 hospitalizations have dropped to just under 21,000 patients, but the number of available ICU beds remain incredibly low. There are just 1,113 ICU beds available statewide.
About 90% of the state remains under stay-at-home orders due in part to limited intensive care unit capacity. Regions of the state are eligible to have the order lifted once four-week projections show an ICU capacity of more than 15% available.
Testing in the Golden State ramped up over the weekend with more than 427,000 tests conducted in a single day. California’s two-week positivity rate continues its slow slide downward and stands at 12.2%. Just over a week ago, the positivity rate reached 14%, the highest percentage seen since widespread testing began.
California recorded its first coronavirus case on January 26, 2020.
