Showing posts with label Mergers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mergers. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Hires Chief of European Mergers

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Hires Chief of European Mergers

Luca Ferrari will join the bank in London in July after stints at Greenhill & Company, Goldman Sachs and UBS.

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

News: Morning Agenda: Hard Hats for Hedge Funds as Mergers Collapse

News: Morning Agenda: Hard Hats for Hedge Funds as Mergers Collapse

Fund-Raisers Pitch for Trump at Hedge Fund Conference | Online Art Auctioneers to Merge

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

As “creeping consolidation” deals add up — a hospital here, a doctors’ office there — they raise questions on where antitrust officials should focus their attention.

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

States Urged to Review Health Insurer Mergers

States Urged to Review Health Insurer Mergers

Concerned about an adverse effect on choice and price in medical care, consumer advocates and antitrust experts want state insurance commissioners to weigh in on two major merger proposals.

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Too Many Giant Mergers

Too Many Giant Mergers

The postal workers union objects to a proposed merger of the two remaining office-supply superstores.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Deal Professor: Regulators Unbundle Some Attractions of Mergers

Deal Professor: Regulators Unbundle Some Attractions of Mergers

In response Mylan’s move to the Netherlands, the Securities and Exchange Commission now requires shareholder votes for each governance change from such deals.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Doctors’ Association Sees Harm in Insurance Mergers

Doctors’ Association Sees Harm in Insurance Mergers

The American Medical Association says the proposed merger of Anthem and Cigna, along with that of Aetna and Humana, could reduce competition in 154 metropolitan areas in 23 states.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

With Mergers, Concerns Grow About Private Medicare

With Mergers, Concerns Grow About Private Medicare

An analysis of market share of insurance companies offering private Medicare plans found that nearly all American markets were already “highly concentrated.”

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