Showing posts with label Profile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Profile. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Saturday Profile: An Enduring and Erudite Court Jester in Britain

The Saturday Profile: An Enduring and Erudite Court Jester in Britain

Ian Hislop has edited the British satirical magazine Private Eye, a mix of jokes and investigative journalism, for three decades.

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Controlling the Visibility of Your Facebook Profile

Controlling the Visibility of Your Facebook Profile

Find out how to see your profiles like others see it, whether they are friends or not, and how to block your page from search engines.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Saturday Profile: Finding a Path Back to Iraq, and Toward Securing Women’s Freedom

The Saturday Profile: Finding a Path Back to Iraq, and Toward Securing Women’s Freedom

Yanar Mohammed runs a secret network of safe houses in Iraq meant to give women a second chance, but running them did so for her.

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Friday, October 16, 2015

The Saturday Profile: British Museum’s Director Follows a Fascination to Germany

The Saturday Profile: British Museum’s Director Follows a Fascination to Germany

Neil MacGregor will leave his post in Britain to help shape one of Germany’s most audacious cultural projects, the Humboldt Forum.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

As Profile Rises, Carly Fiorina Aims to Redefine Record as a C.E.O.

As Profile Rises, Carly Fiorina Aims to Redefine Record as a C.E.O.

The presidential hopeful has prepared to counter accusations that she mismanaged Hewlett-Packard and callously laid off workers — the kind of criticism that hurt her in a 2010 Senate race.

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As Profile Rises, Carly Fiorina Aims to Redefine Record as a C.E.O.

As Profile Rises, Carly Fiorina Aims to Redefine Record as a C.E.O.

The presidential hopeful has prepared to counter accusations that she mismanaged Hewlett-Packard and callously laid off workers — the kind of criticism that hurt her in a 2010 Senate race.

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Saturday Profile: In Sierra Leone, Giving the Stigma of Ebola a Good, Swift Kick

The Saturday Profile: In Sierra Leone, Giving the Stigma of Ebola a Good, Swift Kick

An all-survivors soccer team led by Erison Turay was made to bring Ebola survivors together and create a new community from the shared pain of the past.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hillary Clinton backed by high profile Puerto Rican politician

Hillary Clinton backed by high profile Puerto Rican politician

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Saturday Profile: U.S. Citizen, Once Held in Egypt’s Crackdown, Becomes Voice for Inmates

The Saturday Profile: U.S. Citizen, Once Held in Egypt’s Crackdown, Becomes Voice for Inmates

Mohamed Soltan, who had been arrested at an Islamist protest, has argued to American officials that Egypt’s mass incarcerations are radicalizing youth and damaging United States interests.

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