Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Obama to Herald Progress in Indiana in Effort to Frame Election Debate

Obama to Herald Progress in Indiana in Effort to Frame Election Debate

In a victory lap of sorts, President Obama will visit the city of Elkhart, aiming to use its recovery as a beacon in the argument against Republicans.

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Friday, April 8, 2016

A Mason-Dixon Line of Progress

A Mason-Dixon Line of Progress

A Republican-controlled block has essentially decided that it’s better to be poor, sick and bigoted than prosperous, healthy and open-minded.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Standardized tests: How do you measure progress without them?

Standardized tests: How do you measure progress without them?

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Smart Car Standoff Pits Social Progress Against Global Competition

Smart Car Standoff Pits Social Progress Against Global Competition

At a Smart car factory, workers are being asked to increase their workweek for no additional pay, with the threat of plant relocation hanging over them.

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Smart Car Standoff Pits Social Progress Against Global Competition

Smart Car Standoff Pits Social Progress Against Global Competition

At a Smart car factory, workers are being asked to increase their workweek for no additional pay, with the threat of plant relocation hanging over them.

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Amartya Sen: Women’s Progress Outdid China’s One-Child Policy

Amartya Sen: Women’s Progress Outdid China’s One-Child Policy

What really brought down China’s birthrate was its education and empowerment of women, not the one-child policy.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Limited Progress Seen Even as More Nations Step Up on Climate

Limited Progress Seen Even as More Nations Step Up on Climate

With a plan announced by Brazil on Sunday, every major country except for India has now made a commitment to take to the Paris conference.

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