Showing posts with label Verizon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Verizon. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is it a mistake for Verizon to buy Yahoo?

Is it a mistake for Verizon to buy Yahoo?

Verizon’s stock is holding up well this year. Investors love the juicy dividend and its dependable (if not spectacular) earnings growth. But does Verizon risk messing up a winning formula if it winds up buying Yahoo’s core business?

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Verizon Reaches Tentative Deal With Unions to End Strike

Verizon Reaches Tentative Deal With Unions to End Strike

The agreement gives Verizon some important tools for paring down its work force in the coming years.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

In Verizon Strike, Blue-Collar Stress Hits the Sidewalks

In Verizon Strike, Blue-Collar Stress Hits the Sidewalks

The work stoppage by nearly 36,000 Verizon workers has highlighted crucial questions about the place of middle-class jobs in an economy shifting toward tech.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Verizon Workers Strike on East Coast After Deadline Passes

Verizon Workers Strike on East Coast After Deadline Passes

About 36,000 unionized Verizon employees walked off the job at 6 a.m. and are expected to picket hundreds of Verizon facilities, including wireless stores.

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