Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Los Angeles Chargers QB has lung accidentally punctured by team doctor

Los Angeles Chargers QB has lung accidentally punctured by team doctor

Los Angeles Chargers QB has lung accidentally punctured by team doctor

While attempting to administer a shot to Tyrod Taylor’s ribs, a Los Angeles Chargers team doctor accidentally punctured one of the quarterback’s lungs instead.

The announcement came Wednesday from the NFL Players Association, which has now launched an investigation into the incident.
“Our medical and legal team have been in touch with Tyrod and his agent since Sunday collecting facts. An investigation has been initiated,” said George Atallah, the NFLPA’s assistant executive director of external affairs, in a tweet Wednesday.
Taylor, who was scheduled to start against the Kansas City Chiefs this past Sunday, was taken to the hospital after he experienced difficulty breathing, according to a statement from the Chargers. He was later discharged.
    The injury is not career-threatening and the team doctor “just made a mistake,” said head coach Anthony Lynn at a news conference Wednesday.
      “I am not angry at all. It happens,” Lynn said. “I can’t go into details about it. There was a complication with the shot. No one is perfect. It happens. The doctor, I know, is a good man. It was unfortunate.”
      The Chargers are set to play Sunday against the Carolina Panthers. Taylor is not expected to play.
