Thursday, July 1, 2021

Rose McGowan pushes back on critics of her Fox News appearance, gets blocked by Olbermann

Rose McGowan pushes back on critics of her Fox News appearance, gets blocked by Olbermann

“I did an interview on Fox News — that caused so much cognitive dissonance as someone who was basically from when I stepped foot in America, a Democrat, because thats what my mother was,” she said in a response video posted to Twitter. “I never questioned that Fox was the enemy.”

However, she added that her critics essentially were upset she spoke out against Democrats as being in “a cult” — correcting them and noting she said the same about the GOP during her interview.

“If you lean deep into anything and refuse to hear anything else, youre serving a master that theres no evidence is serving you, then maybe youre in a cult,” she said. 

“I know both sides are so f—ed — the fact that Fox News let someone like me on … it pretty f—ing extraordinary.”

“Keep going, deprogram yourself,” McGowan told her followers.

McGowan was attacked for her interview by several people, including former ESPN sportscaster and ex-MSNBC pundit Keith Olbermann. 

Olbermann, who has been harshly critical of Republicans over the years — including Presidents Bush and Trump — most recently condemned Sen. Daniel Sullivan, R-Alaska, as a “fascist” and invoked the January 6 Capitol riot after the lawmaker gave a speech condemning Biden climate czar John Kerry as potentially “traitorous” for reportedly informing Iran of Israeli covert operations.

He tweeted that if McGowan, “can’t tell the difference between the Republican Death Cult and the Democrats, let me summarize for you: you’re full of s— and blocked.”

Olbermann further accused McGowan of being “used” by Fox News. When the liberal pundit blocked her Twitter account, she retweeted the notification as “achievement unlocked.”

McGowan had told Bruce that she always “say[s] I come in peace. I am not here to make people feel bad about their political choices.”

On “Fox News Primetime” Tuesday, “Fox & Friends Weekend” host Rachel Campos-Duffy praised McGowan, saying that she likely could not speak so openly as she did if she appeared on other cable news networks.

“[W]hat this moment is calling for in America right now are truth-tellers: People who are willing to go beyond this post ideological moment we are in right now,” he said. “I truly believe we are in this 1776 moment, so she is speaking truth to power when she calls out Kamala Harris for promoting of all people of Bill Clinton for of all things women’s and girls empowerment — she went and gave Hollywood.”

“You can’t cross those kinds of ideological lines in Hollywood, very strict enforcement, stricter than even on college campuses.”

Campos-Duffy added that McGowan’s frankness speaks well to the fact people cannot be placed into clearly-defined “boxes” as they are by some others.

“You and I also don’t fit into very neat boxes for what we are supposed to think as women, me as a minority and you as a lesbian. And we are seeing where truth tellers where you and I are coming together putting aside our policy preferences and saying this is a moment to stand,” Campos-Duffy told host host Tammy Bruce.
