Showing posts with label Criticizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criticizes. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Marco Rubio criticizes anonymous sources, tweets workout plans

Marco Rubio criticizes anonymous sources, tweets workout plans

Drivers With No Tickets In 3 Years Read This
Do NOT pay your next car insurance bill until you try this.

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Eliot Spitzer Sharply Criticizes Hillary Clinton on 2007 Immigration Stance

Eliot Spitzer Sharply Criticizes Hillary Clinton on 2007 Immigration Stance

Eliot Spitzer, who was governor of New York when Hillary Rodham Clinton last ran for president eight years ago, and who now supports Martin O’Malley in the 2016 Democratic nominating contest, swung hard at Mrs. Clinton in an interview.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Harry Reid Criticizes New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Status

Harry Reid Criticizes New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Status

Mr. Reid’s suggestion in an interview that New Hampshire was neither diverse enough nor populated enough to serve such an important presidential selection function upset state politicians from both parties.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Criticizes Failure of Training Syrian Rebels

Hillary Clinton Criticizes Failure of Training Syrian Rebels

Mrs. Clinton said that the inability of the U.S. military to train Syrian rebels to fight against the Islamic State on the ground had exacerbated the crises in the region.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

UN expert criticizes China"s reponse to Tianjin blast

UN expert criticizes China’s reponse to Tianjin blast

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