Showing posts with label Egyptian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egyptian. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gaps in Egyptian Airport Security Face Scrutiny After Crash

Gaps in Egyptian Airport Security Face Scrutiny After Crash

Inconsistencies in airport security in Egypt are now under a spotlight as evidence from the crash of a Russian charter jet points to the possibility of a bombing.

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Egyptian Military Questions Journalist Known for Disputing Government

Egyptian Military Questions Journalist Known for Disputing Government

The summons for the journalist has raised fears of a crackdown on dissent as the government struggles with questions about the crash of a Russian jet.

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mexican Tourists Wounded in Egyptian Air Attack Return Home

Mexican Tourists Wounded in Egyptian Air Attack Return Home

The circumstances of the attack in Egypt’s Western Desert that killed 12 people remain murky as officials called for an investigation and compensation for the victims.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Relics of lost Egyptian city resurface

Relics of lost Egyptian city resurface

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