Showing posts with label Example. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Example. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Georgia’s Governor Sets a Wise Example for Tolerance

Georgia’s Governor Sets a Wise Example for Tolerance

The decision to veto an aggressive version of anti-gay legislation is a welcome dose of levelheadedness.

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Friday, December 4, 2015

In Debate Over Gun Control, Australia Presents Stark Example

In Debate Over Gun Control, Australia Presents Stark Example

Australia has had no mass killings of five or more since a 1996 rampage spurred a tightening of laws, but critics say gun violence had been falling anyway.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Work-Life Balance: How Mark Zuckerberg’s Example Helps Fight Stigma of Family Leave

Work-Life Balance: How Mark Zuckerberg’s Example Helps Fight Stigma of Family Leave

New fathers in California have been more likely to take leave since the state began paying for it in 2004, a study says, but it is much less common among fathers than mothers.

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