Showing posts with label Francis’. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Francis’. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2015

A Whiff of Intrigue as Vatican Disputes ‘Unfounded’ Report on Pope Francis’ Health

A Whiff of Intrigue as Vatican Disputes ‘Unfounded’ Report on Pope Francis’ Health

A report published by an Italian newspaper that said the pope had a treatable brain tumor fueled suspicion about Francis’ health, which the Vatican denied.

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A ‘Plot’ Hatched by Pope Francis?

A ‘Plot’ Hatched by Pope Francis?

Readers endorse the pope’s effort to reform the church.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Francis in America: Pope Francis, the Kentucky Clerk and Culture Wars Revisited

Francis in America: Pope Francis, the Kentucky Clerk and Culture Wars Revisited

Pope Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis cheered conservatives troubled by his words on poverty, the environment and immigration, and dismayed liberals who said it negated much of the good will he had built up on his trip.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pope Francis heads home after successful U.S. visit

Pope Francis heads home after successful U.S. visit

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pope Francis in Philly: What to watch for on Sunday

Pope Francis in Philly: What to watch for on Sunday

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Francis Skirts Environmental Tussles in Address to Congress

Pope Francis Skirts Environmental Tussles in Address to Congress

In addressing a polarized Congress, Pope Francis focuses on rights and needs more than resources and the environment.

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Op-Photo: Making Way for Pope Francis

Op-Photo: Making Way for Pope Francis

In advance of the pope’s visit to New York City, a truck blocked a street near St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

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Pope Francis to nuns: "I love you very much"

Pope Francis to nuns: ‘I love you very much’

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Pope Francis and the Not-Quite-Secular West

Pope Francis and the Not-Quite-Secular West

The Francis phenomenon and the resilience of the religious impulse.

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Francis in America: Pope Francis’ Most Welcome Words to Homeless: ‘Buon Appetito’

Francis in America: Pope Francis’ Most Welcome Words to Homeless: ‘Buon Appetito’

Francis is using his celebrity to compel the cameras to show Americans a picture some might rather ignore: In Washington, he met the homeless.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Finding Faith: A pilgrimage to see Pope Francis

Finding Faith: A pilgrimage to see Pope Francis

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