Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Groups Unite to Push for More Conservative G.O.P. Platform at Convention

Groups Unite to Push for More Conservative G.O.P. Platform at Convention

The organizations involved include those in the culture wars that have been opposed to abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, is Setting the G.O.P. Agenda

Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, is Setting the G.O.P. Agenda

The House speaker previewed a new set of Republican policy ideas on Friday, but doubts remain about how far the party’s presumptive nominee will toe the line.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Democratic Committee’s Ads Tie G.O.P. House Candidates to Donald Trump

Democratic Committee’s Ads Tie G.O.P. House Candidates to Donald Trump

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s “five-figure” digital advertising purchase is targeting 15 congressional races in a number of states.

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Key G.O.P. Donors Still Deeply Resist Donald Trump’s Candidacy

Key G.O.P. Donors Still Deeply Resist Donald Trump’s Candidacy

A survey of more than 50 of the most generous donors to Republican candidates and advocacy groups revealed contempt and distrust toward their own party’s nominee.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

G.O.P. Has Only Itself to Blame

G.O.P. Has Only Itself to Blame

Donald Trump’s conquest of the Republican Party comes at a big price for its future.

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Reince Priebus Calls on G.O.P. to Back Nominee, Even if It’s You-Know-Who

Reince Priebus Calls on G.O.P. to Back Nominee, Even if It’s You-Know-Who

The Republican National Committee chairman suggested party members ignore Donald J. Trump’s attacks because “we all need to get behind the nominee” in the fall.

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P.

Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P.

His ease with gay people does not seem to be the result of deep soul searching, but, rather, the product of the Manhattan social and political world he has inhabited the past five decades.

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Ted Cruz, Facing Hard G.O.P. Path, Seeks a Good Argument

Ted Cruz, Facing Hard G.O.P. Path, Seeks a Good Argument

As a debate flared over the party delegate system, the Texas senator faced the hard reality that the only way to victory was a messy convention fight.

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Despite Risks, G.O.P. Seeks to Stop Trump Before Convention

Despite Risks, G.O.P. Seeks to Stop Trump Before Convention

The rules and credentials committees can thwart Donald J. Trump, and the temptation to do so will be great, despite the havoc he could wreak.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ted Cruz Wins Wisconsin G.O.P. Primary, Pressuring Donald Trump

Ted Cruz Wins Wisconsin G.O.P. Primary, Pressuring Donald Trump

Mr. Cruz’s victory, capping a difficult week for Mr. Trump, increases the chance that the race will not be settled until the Republican convention in July.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Some G.O.P. Names Missing From Brief Accusing Obama of Immigration Overreach

Some G.O.P. Names Missing From Brief Accusing Obama of Immigration Overreach

Forty-three Republican senators signed on to the new Supreme Court filing, which accuses the president of grossly overstepping his executive power when he created programs to prevent the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, but of the 11 who did not, four are considered among this election cycle’s most vulnerable.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Despite Meetings With Merrick Garland, Senate G.O.P. Sees Little Give in Stance

Despite Meetings With Merrick Garland, Senate G.O.P. Sees Little Give in Stance

Mr. Garland is scheduled to meet with two Republican senators on Tuesday and met with another last week, but party leaders say they are holding the line on the nomination.

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Clears Air With G.O.P. Leaders, and Chastises His Aides

Donald Trump Clears Air With G.O.P. Leaders, and Chastises His Aides

A closed-door session billed as a “unity meeting” between the Trump inner circle and the Republican National Committee’s high command was really more of a clearing of the air amid longstanding tensions. And the candid remarks included some by Mr. Trump directed at his own team.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Ted Cruz Names Friends, but Silence From G.O.P. Brass Deafens

Ted Cruz Names Friends, but Silence From G.O.P. Brass Deafens

As Ted Cruz tries to unite Republicans opposed to Donald J. Trump, the senator is seeking the support of the party establishment that he has long criticized.

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

The G.O.P. Spectrum

The G.O.P. Spectrum

Reactions to a Republican’s lament that far-right extremists have overshadowed the quieter voices and more moderate views of many party members.

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Friday, December 4, 2015

G.O.P. Field Continues to Chase Donald Trump, New Poll Says

G.O.P. Field Continues to Chase Donald Trump, New Poll Says

By large margins, Republican-leaning voters in the latest CNN/ORC national poll see Donald J. Trump as the best candidate to handle the economy, defeat the Islamic State, address immigration and win in a general election.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

G.O.P. Candidates, Feeling Rush to Raise Funds, Turn to Unlikely Source

G.O.P. Candidates, Feeling Rush to Raise Funds, Turn to Unlikely Source

The leading Republican presidential prospects are descending on the nation’s capital on Thursday for a donor-filled forum sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition. But they are also making the trek to consort with some of the same individuals they frequently deride on the campaign trail: the capital’s lobbyist and consultant class.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Analysis of the Fourth G.O.P. Debate

Analysis of the Fourth G.O.P. Debate

The Times’s Jonathan Weisman analyzes key moments from the fourth Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee on Tuesday, as candidates tangled over issues such as immigration.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

G.O.P.: Save Your Candidates From Themselves

G.O.P.: Save Your Candidates From Themselves

The Republican National Committee appears powerless to rein in candidates.

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Gotcha, G.O.P.

Gotcha, G.O.P.

The Republican candidates, especially Ben Carson, appear to want to say little and avoid tough questions.

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