Showing posts with label Growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growing. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Growing Pains for the Dominican Nuns of Summit

Growing Pains for the Dominican Nuns of Summit

The contemplative order in New Jersey, where sisters live in cloister and practice a life of prayer, is attracting eager, college-educated millennials.

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Monday, August 31, 2015

Growing Migrant Crisis Prompts Call for Urgent Meeting of E.U. Officials

Growing Migrant Crisis Prompts Call for Urgent Meeting of E.U. Officials

Germany, France and Britain appealed for the nations to establish specific measures for helping people who flee to the continent, and the European Union’s leadership set a meeting for Sept. 14.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Scott Walker Joins Growing Chorus in Attacking China

Scott Walker Joins Growing Chorus in Attacking China

With China’s currency devaluation and stock market downturn rattling American markets, Gov. Scott Walker called on President Obama to cancel the visit of China’s leader, President Xi Jinping, to Washington next month.

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