Showing posts with label Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growth. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Economic Growth in China Missed Forecasts in August

Economic Growth in China Missed Forecasts in August

Investment and factory output were weaker than expected, indicating a further cooling in the Chinese economy.

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Financial Leaders Agree to Act to Bolster Growth

Financial Leaders Agree to Act to Bolster Growth

Reliance on ultra-low interest rates alone will not be enough, officials from the world’s 20 biggest economies said.

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Financial Leaders Agree to Act to Bolster Growth

Financial Leaders Agree to Act to Bolster Growth

Reliance on ultra-low interest rates alone will not be enough, officials from the world’s 20 biggest economies said.

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

E.C.B. Cuts Growth Forecast, Saying It’s Ready to Expand Stimulus if Needed

E.C.B. Cuts Growth Forecast, Saying It’s Ready to Expand Stimulus if Needed

The central bank’s president, Mario Draghi, cited “lower external demand’’ from emerging markets as a factor in the eurozone’s slowdown.

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E.C.B., Seeing Slower Growth, Says It’s Ready to Step Up Stimulus if Needed

E.C.B., Seeing Slower Growth, Says It’s Ready to Step Up Stimulus if Needed

The central bank’s president, Mario Draghi, cited “lower external demand’’ from emerging markets as a factor in the eurozone’s slowdown.

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E.C.B., Seeing Slower Growth, Says It’s Ready to Step Up Stimulus if Needed

E.C.B., Seeing Slower Growth, Says It’s Ready to Step Up Stimulus if Needed

The central bank’s president, Mario Draghi, cited “lower external demand’’ from emerging markets as a factor in the eurozone’s slowdown.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

As Economies Gasp Globally, U.S. Growth Quickens

As Economies Gasp Globally, U.S. Growth Quickens

The U.S., long considered the tortoise in the world economy, continues to chug along, while the onetime hares in Asia, South America and elsewhere are flagging.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Business Briefing: Smartphone Sales Growth Slowed in Second Quarter

Business Briefing: Smartphone Sales Growth Slowed in Second Quarter

Gartner said worldwide sales of smartphones grew at the slowest pace since 2013 as sales in China declined for the first time.

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