Showing posts with label Prospects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prospects. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Gun Control Effort in Congress Isn’t Dead, but Prospects Aren’t Good

Gun Control Effort in Congress Isn’t Dead, but Prospects Aren’t Good

A Republican in the House plans to introduce a version of the Senate bill that failed to advance, prohibiting gun sales to people on the no-fly list.

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

New Gun-Control Efforts in Congress Face Dubious Prospects

New Gun-Control Efforts in Congress Face Dubious Prospects

Several moderate Republicans are working on a compromise, but they and Democrats face an uphill fight because of the threat of opposition from the National Rifle Association.

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Mitch McConnell Demurs on Prospects of Criminal Justice Overhaul

Mitch McConnell Demurs on Prospects of Criminal Justice Overhaul

Despite a push from a broad right-left coalition and though he seemed open to the idea, Senator McConnell says he has not determined whether he will bring a bipartisan criminal justice overhaul to the Senate floor next year, legislation that could present a sticky election-year vote for some Republicans.

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Monday, September 14, 2015

White Collar Watch: The Prospects for Pursuing Corporate Executives

White Collar Watch: The Prospects for Pursuing Corporate Executives

The Justice Department is telling companies to investigate wrongdoing more thoroughly – or else. The challenge is figuring out what “or else” might be.

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White Collar Watch: The Prospects for Pursuing Corporate Executives

White Collar Watch: The Prospects for Pursuing Corporate Executives

The Justice Department is telling companies to investigate wrongdoing more thoroughly – or else. The challenge is figuring out what “or else” might be.

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