Showing posts with label Rubio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rubio. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rubio: Trump plans "border on the absurd"

Rubio: Trump plans ‘border on the absurd’

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Marco Rubio defends skipping Senate votes

Marco Rubio defends skipping Senate votes

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Political Prediction Market: Marco Rubio leads

Political Prediction Market: Marco Rubio leads

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Taking the Gloves Off, Marco Rubio Punches Back at Donald Trump

Taking the Gloves Off, Marco Rubio Punches Back at Donald Trump

Senator Marco Rubio, who had been staying above the fray in the Republican presidential field, hit back at Donald J. Trump after Mr. Trump called him a “kid” and criticized his record in the Senate.

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Marco Rubio "outraged" at DNC chair"s Hitler knock

Marco Rubio ‘outraged’ at DNC chair’s Hitler knock

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Marco Rubio calls Trump answers "very concerning"

Marco Rubio calls Trump answers “very concerning”

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Marco Rubio, HIllary Clinton go to Puerto Rico

Marco Rubio, HIllary Clinton go to Puerto Rico

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Jeb Bush Cites Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in Defending Birthright Citizenship

Jeb Bush Cites Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in Defending Birthright Citizenship

Jeb Bush mentioned two rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in defending birthright citizenship, saying they might not be able to run for president if some in the conservative wing of the Republican Party had their way.

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