Donald Trump’s Fear Factor
How afraid does he want voters to be?
Economic View: The Overinflated Fear of Being Priced Out of Housing
It’s easy to understand how worries spread, but the historical record suggests such fears are generally exaggerated.
Meet Sultana, the Taliban’s Worst Fear
An Afghan girl’s hunger for knowledge is stronger than the threat of an acid attack.
Fear Sharpens in Japan That Hiroshima’s Lessons Are Fading
As President Obama prepares to visit, the Asian country’s aversion to war is being challenged by a conservative movement led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
As War Strangles Yemen, Many Fear the Grip Will Never Break
A frenzied escalation of violence over the last few days is threatening a cease-fire that was supposed to build confidence for peace talks.
Podcasts Surge, but Producers Fear Apple Isn’t Listening
The podcast has soared in popularity. But there’s not much money in it for Apple, the genre’s creator, leaving many in the community feeling neglected.
Fear of Crying: The Problem of Babies and Airplanes
Babies cry on planes because their ears hurt and they’re being made to stay in a certain position when they don’t want to or the air smells strange or they’re just plain cranky. As are we all.
Thailand’s Fear of Free Speech
The military junta’s efforts to control public debate have led to harsh prison sentences and even an investigation of the American ambassador.