The mainstream media’s attacks of President Trump’s surprise drive-by visit to his supporters outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Sunday is “infuriating,” former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino told “Fox & Friends” on Monday.

Shortly after sending out a tweet hinting at the “surprise” visit, the president made his appearance when he briefly left the hospital and drove by, waved and gave a thumbs up to the groups of supporters gathered outside in Maryland before returning to Walter Reed shortly after.

Host Steve Doocy noted that “some critics are slamming the move for putting Secret Service detail at risk.”

He also pointed out that the White House said “appropriate precautions” were taken for Trump’s trip and that the drive was cleared by the medical staff at Walter Reed.

“No one gave a damn about the Secret Service when the Secret Service was at risk knowingly, where other protectees knowingly put them at risk in other situations,” Bongino, a Fox News contributor, said on Monday.

The former Secret Service agent then asked, “How about when I caught dengue fever in South Africa with another protectee? Do you remember that story?”

Bongino went on to say that the answer is “no.”

“What about the hundreds of other agents who get sick every year traveling around the world for photo ops for protectees for both parties?” he went on to ask. “You know why you don’t hear about that story? Because that’s not what we do.”

“We’re not a bunch of whiners,” he continued. “We go out and we protect the president of the United States and the president of the United States gets to act like the president of the United States without having to worry about us because we signed on to take the worry for him.”

Bongino said that “someone was getting in that car or that helicopter and closing that door and protecting the president of the United States infected or not,” adding that “these guys and women of the Secret Service are the ones that had the nerve to do it.”

“So to these media buffoons, you clowns, who don’t know the first thing about honor, dignity or courage, I know you wouldn’t get in that car with the president with a mask or a full bubble suit because you are chumps and cowards and spineless losers,” he continued. “We all know that.”

Bongino stressed that the media knows “nothing about these men or women, why they do what they do, how they wound up in that car [and] why they did it.”

He went on to point out that Secret Service agents “would do it again tomorrow.”

He then had a message for the members of the media who criticized Trump’s surprise drive-by visit outside the hospital, telling them to “shut your mouths, put your caboose in a chair and sit this one out.”

Trump was admitted to Walter Reed Friday after he announced that he and the first lady had tested positive for the coronavirus. He could potentially be released later on Monday, chief of staff Mark Meadows told “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning.


Bongino, who is also dealing with a health issue, gave an update on his condition on Monday after a radiologist revealed a tumor on his neck last month.

Bongino said he will be undergoing surgery on Wednesday in New York.

“They are going to cut, hopefully, this tumor out of my neck. At a minimum, they’re going to cut a portion out and we will have a better idea if there was any kind of a spread or what its level of aggression is,” Bongino said.

“Either way we’ll be OK,” he added. “I’m still optimistic and so is my wife. There is a treatment plan either way.”

Bongino said, “Everybody’s got their obstacles. It’s just one more to get over.”

He also thanked the Fox News viewers who were sending him well wishes.

“I love them,” Bongino said on Monday. “I sincerely mean that folks. Your emails and tweets and all that. It’s really rips the heart out of me. You men and women are amazing.”

Fox News’ Andrew O’Reilly and Josh Nelson contributed to this report.