Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The 18 most outlandish lines from Donald Trump’s first on-camera interview since the election

The 18 most outlandish lines from Donald Trump's first on-camera interview since the election

President Donald Trump hasn’t been doing all that much talking publicly since the 2020 election.

Which is why it was newsworthy that he gave an on-camera interview to “Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade over the weekend during his trip to the Army-Navy football game. While Kilmeade’s interview style is best described as “willing supplicant,” Trump’s answers, which veered all over the place but were consistent in their misrepresentation of the established facts surrounding the election, were illuminating.
Below the 18 lines you need to see.
1. “Well, I love football”
    Same. And away we go!
    2. “We had no ammunition. I’ll never forget a very overrated general coming to see me and saying, ‘Sir, we have no ammunition, I’m sorry.'”
    This is not true. Also: “A very overrated general”! Double also: “Sir” alert!
    3. “And I say no president should ever have to hear that, and no president should ever be spied on, either, you know, there so we set a lot of records.”
    He wasn’t spied on. But at last “we” broke a lot of records!
    4. “No, it’s not over. We keep going. And we’re going to continue to go forward. We have numerous local cases where, you know, in some of the states that got rigged and robbed from us.”
    Shot: “We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!” — Donald Trump
    Chaser: “Supreme Court rejects Texas’ and Trump’s bid to overturn election” — CNN
    5. “We won Pennsylvania. We won Michigan. We won Georgia by a lot.”
    Trump lost Pennsylvania by around 81,000 votes. He lost Michigan by 150,000 votes. And he lost Georgia by 12,000 votes. All of these results have been certified.
    6. “But we caught them as you know and fraudulent, dropping ballots, doing so many things nobody can even believe it, dead people voting and all far greater than the number of votes we need.”
    7. “The election was over at 10:00 in the evening.”
    Unless you live on the West Coast …
    8. “All of the bookies all over the world were saying the election’s over. They wouldn’t even take bets on it.”
    One side is pointing to tabulated and certified election results as evidence that Joe Biden won the election. The other side is pointing to bookies. So, yeah.
    9. “And then all of the sudden around 11:00 ballots start getting dropped. You ever see the graph where you go like this and then it goes up to the sky.”
    None of this is a mystery or a sign of fraud. Larger cities have more people in them. it takes longer to count their votes. They tend to come in on the later end. Plus, a number of states had rules in place that didn’t allow votes cast early by mail to be counted before election day. Many of those votes were counted after the in person voting. And because Biden won mail-in votes overwhelmingly, races in Pennsylvania and Michigan changed as a result.
    10. “No, I worry about the country having an illegitimate president, that’s what I worry about. A president that lost and lost badly. This wasn’t like a close election.”
    Agreed! Biden won 306 electoral votes and is currently winning the popular vote by more than 7 million!
    11. “We won Georgia big. We won Pennsylvania big. We won Wisconsin big. We won it big.”
    Trump lost Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes. Which, uh, isn’t the same as winning it “big.”
    12. ” I just got 75 million votes. The biggest number of votes in the history of our country ever gotten by a sitting president. I went from 63 million to 75 million, a 12-million vote difference.”
    Yup. And Biden got 81 million+ votes! So …
    13. “By the Democrats and actually interestingly, by the Democrats but by local Democrats, meaning state Democrats. They outsmarted state Republicans.”
    So it was the “local Democrats” who rigged the election, eh? What evidence did Trump offer for this claim? Oh, none.
    14. “You know what I do? I do two things. I run a country and we cut taxes.”
    “I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer … Looks like we’re almost outta beer.” — Clint from “Dazed and Confused”
    15. “I watch the television to see how we’re doing and by 10:30 in the evening, it was over. We won. I got calls from everybody saying — pros, people you know very well saying congratulations.”
    Really? “Everybody” called to say that the election was over at 10:30 pm on election night? Sounds like “everybody” needs to take a remedial course in how elections actually work.
    16. “Do you remember Georgia when they said, oh we had a big flood? We had a pipeline break, a major water pipeline break. It turned out to be a false thing and everybody — Brian, everybody ran out. They all ran out.”
    It wasn’t a burst pipe. It was a water leak. But it actually did happen.
    17. “That was the people where they took all of those ballots, all of those Biden ballots — under the table with the black dress, and they took them and they started shoving them into the machine.”
    Uh, what? This sounds like a game of “Clue”: It was the Biden voter in the black dress with the voting machine. Give me a break.
    18. And I — I do worry about the fact, you know, you asked a question, illegitimate president. That’s what I worry about.”
      “There are only two things in this world that scare me and one is nuclear war…[the other is] Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.” — Austin Powers
      Yeah, this feels like a good place to end.
