Showing posts with label ‘Brexit’. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ‘Brexit’. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

5 reasons why Americans should care about Brexit

5 reasons why Americans should care about Brexit

Britain’s vote to leave the EU is historic and world-changing. But what does it really mean for folks living on the other side of the Atlantic? Potentially, everything.

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Brits search for Irish passports after Brexit vote

Brits search for Irish passports after Brexit vote

British citizens began looking for ways to keep their European citizenship on Friday morning after a referendum on leaving the EU passed in a close vote.

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Joe Biden warns of "xenophobia, nationalism, and isolationism" after Brexit vote

Joe Biden warns of ‘xenophobia, nationalism, and isolationism’ after Brexit vote

Instability in Europe and beyond is providing “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians and demagogues,” Vice President Joe Biden will caution during remarks in Ireland on Friday.

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"Brexit": A very British fiasco

‘Brexit": A very British fiasco

The decision of British voters to split from the EU will go down as a historic self-inflicted wound, Peter Bergen writes.

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Aftershock: ‘Brexit’ Hits U.S. Stock Market Harder Than an Election

Aftershock: ‘Brexit’ Hits U.S. Stock Market Harder Than an Election

The sharp fall as of Friday morning reflected both the surprise factor and the economic implications for the United States.

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Why is Brexit such a good idea?

Why is Brexit such a good idea?

While the decision of a Brexit is being celebrated by “Leave” campaigners, the 48% who voted to remain in the EU are left asking: Why is Brexit such a good idea?

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How Brexit impacts the U.S. economy

How Brexit impacts the U.S. economy

The U.K. voted to leave the European Union on Thursday. The vote could affect U.S. citizens in a litany of ways.

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Brexit, shmexit! These stocks are up today

Brexit, shmexit! These stocks are up today

Investors are nervous about Britain’s decision to leave the EU. But it wasn’t a total market bloodbath. Several well-known U.S. stocks were rallying. Many of them pay big dividends and are somewhat safer bets.

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Nigel Farage: Arch-eurosceptic and Brexit "puppet master"

Nigel Farage: Arch-eurosceptic and Brexit ‘puppet master’

If history casts David Cameron in the villain role following Britain’s exit from the European Union, then Nigel Farage may be remembered as the puppet master.

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Brexit: The Morning After

Brexit: The Morning After

Keep calm and grieve for Europe.

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Midday Report: Wall St. Rises as a ‘Brexit’ Appears Less Likely

Midday Report: Wall St. Rises as a ‘Brexit’ Appears Less Likely

Macy’s, the large American department store, said its chief executive, Terry Lundgren, would step down early next year after about 13 years in charge.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Brits hoard dollars and euros as Brexit vote looms

Brits hoard dollars and euros as Brexit vote looms

Brits are rushing to buy foreign currencies ahead of the EU referendum on Thursday, worried the pound could crash.

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