Showing posts with label care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label care. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

5 reasons why Americans should care about Brexit

5 reasons why Americans should care about Brexit

Britain’s vote to leave the EU is historic and world-changing. But what does it really mean for folks living on the other side of the Atlantic? Potentially, everything.

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Boring? Hardly. Number Crunchers Find Themselves at Center of Health Care Wars

Boring? Hardly. Number Crunchers Find Themselves at Center of Health Care Wars

Actuaries normally toil far from the limelight, but their calculations are feeding a roaring national debate over insurance premiums and the Affordable Care Act.

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Group eases foster care transition with a taste of home

Group eases foster care transition with a taste of home

Drivers With No Tickets In 3 Years Read This
Do NOT pay your next car insurance bill until you try this.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The New Health Care: Why It’s Not Time to Panic About Cellphones and Cancer

The New Health Care: Why It’s Not Time to Panic About Cellphones and Cancer

Behind recent dramatic headlines, a small and not terribly impressive rat study.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

The New Health Care: Drug Prices Too High? Sometimes, They’re Not Costly Enough

The New Health Care: Drug Prices Too High? Sometimes, They’re Not Costly Enough

For some of the most important drugs, the prices may be too low, giving rise to shortages.

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I.R.S. Ruling Is Obstacle to Lower-Cost Health Care Networks Promoted by Obama

I.R.S. Ruling Is Obstacle to Lower-Cost Health Care Networks Promoted by Obama

The agency said an accountable care organization did not meet the test for tax-exempt status because it was not operated exclusively for charitable purposes.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

The New Health Care: Sorry, There’s Nothing Magical About Breakfast

The New Health Care: Sorry, There’s Nothing Magical About Breakfast

Don’t feel bad if you’d rather skip it. Studies have not proved its importance.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Do voters care what Trump has said? (Opinion)

Do voters care what Trump has said? (Opinion)

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Health Care Ruling Gives John Boehner at Least Some Temporary Vindication

Health Care Ruling Gives John Boehner at Least Some Temporary Vindication

A court ruling on Thursday gutting a central provision of the Affordable Care Act is the results of a suit initiated by Mr. Boehner before he was forced out of the speakership last year by a group of hard-right conservatives who said he was not aggressive enough in trying to repeal the health care law.

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Morning Agenda: Bigger Is Better For Health Care Companies

Morning Agenda: Bigger Is Better For Health Care Companies

Washington Haggles as Puerto Rico Deadline Looms | Jeffrey Katzenberg at a Crossroads

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Debunking Republican Health Care Myths

Debunking Republican Health Care Myths

Republican candidates can name few scourges so mighty as the Affordable Care Act. But are any of their fearmongering criticisms founded in reality?

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Friday, April 15, 2016

The hard road to health care for American Indians

The hard road to health care for American Indians

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

As “creeping consolidation” deals add up — a hospital here, a doctors’ office there — they raise questions on where antitrust officials should focus their attention.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Despite Fears, Affordable Care Act Has Not Uprooted Employer Coverage

Despite Fears, Affordable Care Act Has Not Uprooted Employer Coverage

Employer-based insurance has held firm for the last five years, and federal officials predict it will continue to remain strong.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Your Money Adviser: The 1095 Tax Form for Health Care Coverage: What You Need to Know

Your Money Adviser: The 1095 Tax Form for Health Care Coverage: What You Need to Know

An estimated 65 million people will get Form 1095-C this year, but it is not necessary to file it with your tax return. The 1095-A, however, is crucial to filing a return.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Muslim families care for sacred Christian site

Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Muslim families care for sacred Christian site

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Report Offers a Mixed View of Health Care Law Costs

Report Offers a Mixed View of Health Care Law Costs

The Congressional Budget Office says the overall cost of insurance coverage will be higher than was predicted last year, but much lower than was expected in 2010.

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Packing Guns in the Day Care Center

Packing Guns in the Day Care Center

A vote against an Ohio measure that extends concealed-carry privileges would be a rare vote for sanity.

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