Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sasse says Virginia Gov. Northam should "get the hell out of office" in wake of abortion comments

Sasse says Virginia Gov. Northam should Sasse says Virginia Gov. Northam should "get the hell out of office" in wake of abortion comments

Dem co-sponsor of late-term abortion bill apologizes, says she did not read the text

Dem co-sponsor of late-term abortion bill apologizes, says she did not read the text Dem co-sponsor of late-term abortion bill apologizes, says she did not read the text

Networks, CNN and MSNBC largely ignored Virginia Gov. Northam"s abortion bill remarks, analysis shows

Networks, CNN and MSNBC largely ignored Virginia Gov. Northam Networks, CNN and MSNBC largely ignored Virginia Gov. Northam"s abortion bill remarks, analysis shows

Trump says Democrats becoming ‘party of late term abortion,’ as states push new bills

Trump says Democrats becoming ‘party of late term abortion,’ as states push new bills Trump says Democrats becoming ‘party of late term abortion,’ as states push new bills

FOX NEWS FIRST: Governor slams infanticide charge in abortion bill uproar; Schumer wants intervention on Trump

FOX NEWS FIRST: Governor slams infanticide charge in abortion bill uproar; Schumer wants intervention on Trump FOX NEWS FIRST: Governor slams infanticide charge in abortion bill uproar; Schumer wants intervention on Trump

Tucker Carlson and pro-choice advocate have heated debate on Virginia abortion bill

Tucker Carlson and pro-choice advocate have heated debate on Virginia abortion bill Tucker Carlson and pro-choice advocate have heated debate on Virginia abortion bill