Showing posts with label Outcry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outcry. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Okinawa Murder Case Heightens Outcry Over U.S. Military’s Presence

Okinawa Murder Case Heightens Outcry Over U.S. Military’s Presence

Okinawans have long complained of violence, noise and other problems associated with American bases. Now the bases’ very existence is drawing a backlash.

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Belgium’s Transportation Minister Resigns Amid Outcry

Belgium’s Transportation Minister Resigns Amid Outcry

Jacqueline Galant stepped down after the publication of leaked reports warning of security deficiencies at Brussels Airport, which was bombed on March 22.

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Martin Shkreli’s Latest Plan to Sharply Raise Drug Price Prompts Outcry

Martin Shkreli’s Latest Plan to Sharply Raise Drug Price Prompts Outcry

Critics say that Turing, the pharmaceutical led by Mr. Shkreli, is exploiting a program that awards vouchers that can be sold at huge profits while pricing drugs out of patients’ reach.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

The country has been accused of acting like a low-tax haven, giving breaks that have attracted international companies. Now Ireland is phasing out some breaks, but adding another.

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After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

The country has been accused of acting like a low-tax haven, giving breaks that have attracted international companies. Now Ireland is phasing out some breaks, but adding another.

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After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

After Outcry, Ireland Adjusts Its Corporate Tax Draw

The country has been accused of acting like a low-tax haven, giving breaks that have attracted international companies. Now Ireland is phasing out some breaks, but adding another.

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