Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Justice Anthony Kennedy"s evolution on affirmative action

Justice Anthony Kennedy’s evolution on affirmative action

Justice Anthony Kennedy finally found an affirmative action case that he liked.

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

America’s Trial Court Judges: Our Front Line for Justice

America’s Trial Court Judges: Our Front Line for Justice

The Senate has failed to confirm dozens of uncontroversial nominees to fill vacancies in the federal trial courts.

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Justice Orders Brazilian Lawmaker Behind Rousseff’s Impeachment to Step Down

Justice Orders Brazilian Lawmaker Behind Rousseff’s Impeachment to Step Down

The ruling against the speaker of the lower house of Congress will sideline an opponent of the president, but is not expected to prevent her ouster.

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Senate Republicans to Name Names in Effort to Rekindle Criminal Justice Bill

Senate Republicans to Name Names in Effort to Rekindle Criminal Justice Bill

Hoping to restore momentum for a criminal justice overhaul, Senate sponsors of the legislation plan to go public on Thursday with the names of new Republican supporters and the changes made in the package to appease party critics.

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Justice Department says new policies to help ex-felons stay out of prison

Justice Department says new policies to help ex-felons stay out of prison

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Review: ‘Elektra’ at the Met Does Full Justice to Strauss’s Masterpiece

Review: ‘Elektra’ at the Met Does Full Justice to Strauss’s Masterpiece

The director Patrice Chéreau, the conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen and the soprano Nina Stemme evoke all the terror and intensity the composer built in.

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Abner Mikva: Senate Republicans should confirm nomination of Justice Garland rather than risk facing a younger and, perhaps, more liberal appointee next year

Abner Mikva: Senate Republicans should confirm nomination of Justice Garland rather than risk facing a younger and, perhaps, more liberal appointee next year

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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Business Briefing: SunEdison Receives Subpoena From Justice Department

Business Briefing: SunEdison Receives Subpoena From Justice Department

The struggling solar company said it had received a subpoena seeking details related to its failed deal to buy Vivint Solar and transactions with its two publicly listed units, TerraForm Power and TerraForm Global.

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Mitch McConnell Demurs on Prospects of Criminal Justice Overhaul

Mitch McConnell Demurs on Prospects of Criminal Justice Overhaul

Despite a push from a broad right-left coalition and though he seemed open to the idea, Senator McConnell says he has not determined whether he will bring a bipartisan criminal justice overhaul to the Senate floor next year, legislation that could present a sticky election-year vote for some Republicans.

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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Reforming the Criminal Justice System Is Not Assured

Reforming the Criminal Justice System Is Not Assured

All sides agree that action is essential by early next year or the issue will get ensnared in presidential politics.

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Monday, November 30, 2015

How justice was delayed for Laquan McDonald

How justice was delayed for Laquan McDonald

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Monday, November 2, 2015

News: The Morning Agenda: The Privatization of the Justice System

News: The Morning Agenda: The Privatization of the Justice System

Lessons in Investing From Valeant | HSBC Profit Jumps

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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Beware The Fine Print: In Arbitration, a ‘Privatization of the Justice System’

Beware The Fine Print: In Arbitration, a ‘Privatization of the Justice System’

Forced individual arbitration often bears little resemblance to court: The rules tend to favor businesses, and judges and juries are replaced by arbitrators whose rulings are difficult to appeal.

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