Showing posts with label inmates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inmates. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

She helps San Quentin inmates be "better people"

She helps San Quentin inmates be ‘better people’

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Prisons and Jails Put Transgender Inmates at Risk

Prisons and Jails Put Transgender Inmates at Risk

Staff training to prevent harassment and assault is crucial at all facilities, and full access to health care is imperative.

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Monday, October 26, 2015

F.C.C. Makes Telephone Calls for Inmates Cheaper

F.C.C. Makes Telephone Calls for Inmates Cheaper

Before the Federal Communications Commission intervened, a call from behind prison walls could sometimes cost as much as $ 14 per minute.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Charge Against Ex-Rikers Guard Accused in Inmate’s 2012 Death

New Charge Against Ex-Rikers Guard Accused in Inmate’s 2012 Death

Already implicated in the beating death of Ronald Spear, Brian Coll could face up to life in prison after a federal grand jury charged him on Tuesday with directly causing Mr. Spear’s death.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Saturday Profile: U.S. Citizen, Once Held in Egypt’s Crackdown, Becomes Voice for Inmates

The Saturday Profile: U.S. Citizen, Once Held in Egypt’s Crackdown, Becomes Voice for Inmates

Mohamed Soltan, who had been arrested at an Islamist protest, has argued to American officials that Egypt’s mass incarcerations are radicalizing youth and damaging United States interests.

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