Friday, May 28, 2021

Mark McCloskey, St. Louis man who defended home from BLM, announces Senate run to stop Biden’s ‘socialism’

Mark McCloskey, St. Louis man who defended home from BLM, announces Senate run to stop Biden's 'socialism'

Mark McCloskey, who alongside wife Patricia, was pictured last year wielding a rifle and a handgun respectively when Black Lives Matter demonstrators ingressed toward their property, told host Tucker Carlson that the confrontation may have been a message in itself.

“God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. It really did wake me up,” he said. 

“As I campaigned for [Donald Trump], and we’ve continued to do rallies and events supporting our constitutional rights, what I’ve learned is that the people are sick and tired of cancel culture – and the poison of critical race theory and the big lie of systemic racism.”

McCloskey said he wanted to correct widespread claims he is or was a Democrat, and told Carlson he has always been Republican, but not necessarily overtly political.

“People are sick of it, they don’t want any more posers or egotists going to D.C. All we hear is talk. Nothing ever changes,” he said. 

“It seemed to me that people have to stand up. Each and every one of us needs to stands up and say we are not sheep, we are a free people.”

On the day some states like Pennsylvania were holding municipal and judicial elections, McCloskey added that people need to be active in politics “at every level from the school board” on up through borough council, state and federal offices.

“You have to send people to D.C. that are willing to tell the truth and fight for our freedom regardless what have it costs you personally, economically, or socially,” he added.

“If we don’t stand up now and take this country back, it’s going away. We used to talk about the erosion of our civil liberties… [S]ince [the Biden] administration took over there has been the wholesale slaughter of our civil liberties and institution of what can’t be called anything but socialism.”

McCloskey slammed Biden for instituting “socialist” policies in the form of federal payments to Americans that he and other critics say encourage them to stay home rather than seek the millions of job openings in struggling small businesses nationwide.

“Our president says, ‘gee, I don’t think that’s taking place’. Everything is nonsense. Everything is upside down. It’s time to straighten things back up.”

McCloskey joins former Gov. Eric Greitens in the Republican field seeking to keep Sen. Roy Blunt’s seat in GOP hands after he retires at the end of his term in 2022.
