Showing posts with label Regulator’s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regulator’s. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Breakingviews: Regulator’s Plan to Rein In Trading Risks Raises Concerns

Breakingviews: Regulator’s Plan to Rein In Trading Risks Raises Concerns

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission wants the power to see the source codes of trading firms without a subpoena, but its request is overreaching.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Bits: Huawei Draws Attention of U.S. Regulators

Bits: Huawei Draws Attention of U.S. Regulators

The Chinese tech company is being asked to explain sales to countries considered to be outlaw states.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

E.U. Regulators Block British Telecom Merger on Competition Grounds

E.U. Regulators Block British Telecom Merger on Competition Grounds

The acquisition of O2 by Hutchison Whampoa, the owner of the operator Three, would have harmed consumer choice, the bloc’s competition chief said.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Japan Regulators Investigate Mitsubishi Over Fuel-Economy Cheating

Japan Regulators Investigate Mitsubishi Over Fuel-Economy Cheating

Transportation regulators began searching for evidence at a technical center after the automaker admitted cheating on fuel-economy tests.

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

Small, Piecemeal Mergers in Health Care Fly Under Regulators’ Radars

As “creeping consolidation” deals add up — a hospital here, a doctors’ office there — they raise questions on where antitrust officials should focus their attention.

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Regulators Propose New Rules to Ease Strain of Bank Failures

Regulators Propose New Rules to Ease Strain of Bank Failures

The recommendations would require the world’s biggest banks to maintain capital buffers that could absorb potential losses when a bank is failing.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

European Regulators Provide Details on Next Bank Stress Tests

European Regulators Provide Details on Next Bank Stress Tests

The assessments will examine the financial strength of 53 of the region’s largest lenders, including 39 that are supervised by the European Central Bank.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Deal Professor: Regulators Unbundle Some Attractions of Mergers

Deal Professor: Regulators Unbundle Some Attractions of Mergers

In response Mylan’s move to the Netherlands, the Securities and Exchange Commission now requires shareholder votes for each governance change from such deals.

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Wall Street Banks Reach Deal With Regulators on Data Retention

Wall Street Banks Reach Deal With Regulators on Data Retention

Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse and Bank of New York Mellon will keep communications that could be used to track evidence of rigging schemes among traders.

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