Monday, January 19, 2015

The Fight for Civil Rights, Long After Selma

The protests over the killings of unarmed black men by police have been called the start of a new civil rights movement. But a half-century after activists broke the back of Jim Crow, problems beyond police brutality persist for African-Americans: the wealth gap widens, higher education is less attainable, white supremacists remain influential.

Is a new movement for black equality needed and, if so, what shape would it take?


Start a Revolution Against the War on Drugs
John McWhorter, Columbia University

Growing Fears of Struggling Whites Impede Advances
Jelani Cobb, historian

The Movement Is Growing at the Grass Roots
Derecka Purnell, law student

Nothing New, but the Faces
Charles M. Payne, author, "I've Got the Light of Freedom"